Banana pancake

raisins, to taste
1-Preheat the oven to 200°c
2-Grind the bananas until they are well grounded
3-In a bowl, beat the ground bananas, oil, eggs, vanilla and sugar.
4- In another bowl beat the flour, royal, baking soda, salt, ginger, cloves and cinnamon
5-Mix the two smoothies in one bowl
6- Add nuts and raisins if desired
7-Butter and flour the chosen baking mold and add the mixture
8-Bake at 200°c for 30 minutes. When cooking time is over, insert a chopstick to check if it’s well cooked. If it comes out clean, it means it is already well cooked; but if it comes out stained by the mixture, let it bake longer
8-Letting them cool off
Continued on the next page



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